
Archive | June, 2011

18 June 2011 ~ 0 Comments

Abs and Core Exercises – Endurance with Yoga moves

 Build muscular endurance with yoga moves like this one, called “plank pose into chaturanga dandasana.”  Practiced correctly on a regular basis, you will strengthen your chest, shoulders and arms as well as your core muscles.


Begin in a straight-arm plank position.  This is more difficult than the regular plan we’ve spoken about in other posts.  In this position your hands are directly under your shoulders, your arms are straight, (without “locking out” your elbows) and your fingers pointed forward.   As with the regular plank push back with your heels and draw the crown of your head forward to create a long line throughout your body.   Most important is not to let your hips sag.  It may help to think of your butt as being slight “up”, rather than feeling yourself tightening your hips and “thrusting forward” – which is definitely not the position.  Pull in your abdominal muscles to support your spine.

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08 June 2011 ~ 2 Comments

Eating for your Brain

If you having trouble motivating yourself to eat right for your body, how about eating right for your brain?  How you eat can affect your mind at a fundamental level. Our minds are profoundly affected by what we eat.  Often the effect is within minutes, hours or a couple of days, (whereas our bodies may not show the extra pounds for a few weeks, right? – when suddenly it appears “overnight”).

 If the effect occurs soon after we eat, (such as lack of concentration, fuzzy head, fatigue etc) then we are more likely to pay attention to it.

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