
Archive | Looking Young

07 June 2010 ~ 3 Comments

Staying Young While Growing Old

Hiking near San Diego

What do you think keeps you from staying young, as you get older?    Besides the too obvious answer of “age”……!   

Stop and think a little.  The answer I am heading toward may surprise you – in a word muscle tissue (OK that’s two words).  And it is the lack of muscle tissue that makes the aging process more pronounced.  Less muscle means lower metabolism since muscle tissue requires energy and calories to maintain itself, while fat needs much less.   More muscle means a leaner look since muscle takes up less space than fat.

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10 August 2009 ~ 1 Comment

Looking Young and Fit is ‘Whack’* if you Act Old

Of course our objective in working out and bodybuilding is to stay healthy  –  but who are we kidding, it is also to stay looking and feeling young ( well at least a good deal younger than our chronological age).  So it seems ironic that  we give ourselves away, by acting old in oh so many ways.  In fact Pamela Redmond Satran has written a book “How Not to Act Old” and excerpts have been reproduced in More magazine http://tiny.cc/uF2rq,  and even the Wall Street Journal took time to give an excerpt http://tiny.cc/jDTot.   I tweeted a couple of excerpts that I found funny  (one regarding Twitter and one regarding exercise).  I figure there is something for everyone even though a few women commented in More that they were insulted.

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